March 28, 2010

You Can Do It

I tried to go shopping today, but I was sent out to get "Twilight things." It was painful. I bought nothing. Claire's didn't have anything left in stock, but directed me across the mall to FYE. They had a small section of Twilight-themed accessories, including $14.99 lip gloss. For this price, I could purchase two very small unmarked tubes of  lip gloss in a cardboard package with the Twilight logo on it. Once the package is opened and tossed it becomes regular old ordinary lip gloss. It frustrates me that parents and tweens with allowances are wasting money on this stuff. I know that I was equally as enticed by worthless crap when I was younger but besides American Girl accessories, I don't remember being obsessed with a particular brand or theme of junk.  I would normally never consider buying movie-themed paraphernalia, but I need to shop for my soon-to-be 12 year old niece and feel as though I should make at least a half-hearted attempt to comply with the instructions that were emailed to me:

Dear Ali,

For my b day what r u getting me? If u dont know then u should get me twilight things for an idea.



Doesn't this child realize, after almost 12 years of experience with me for an aunt, that if she asked me to spend $132 on a pair of J Girl by J Brand skinny jeans that Crewcuts just started carrying, I would! Clothes, shoes, accesories--these I can't resist! Especially for children! But no, she wants "Twilight things" for her birthday.

It is fortunate that I find children so entertaining. They provide me with endless joy and amusement, so I will provide them with "Twilight things" when requested.

Today at the ice rink I got called "Teacher Ali" and "Mrs. Ali" and "Um, what's your name again, again?" I'd buy these children overpriced themed gifts too if they asked. Luckily, they just want to know the names of the beanie babies they get to throw across the ice.

My favorite conversation of the weekend:

Katherine: I can't march.

Me: Yes, you can. I know you can because you did it last week. Just lift your feet and take little steps over to me.

Katherine: No, I can't do it.

Me: Yes, you can. Hey Ava, do you think Katherine can march?

Ava (marching by): Yes!

Me: Eric, do you think Katherine can march?

Eric (laying on the ice): Yup, I think she can.

Me: See Katherine, we all think you can do it! 

Ava: So, why won't she march?

Matthew (shouting from across the ice): She just doesn't believe in herself! We believe in you, Katherine!

Little voices: We believe in you! You can do it, Katherine!

A motivational seminar conducted by 4-year-olds in ice skates.

1 comment:

  1. in case you are still looking for twilight stuff there is alot of it on sale at target, or the cute tshirts are at nordstroms rack for cheap. by the way, kid pep talks are the best.
